Rehabilitation of the sports injury 2003_1

Rehabilitation Of The Sports Injury

10,000 تومان

دریافت نمونه کتاب

نوع فایل: پی دی اف

حجم تقریبا 4 مگ

338 صفحه

مشاهده سبد خرید


Rehabilitation is, by definition, the restoration of optimal form (anatomy) and function (physiology). It is a process designed to minimize the loss associated with acute injury or chronic disease, to promote recovery, and to maximize functional capacity, fitness and performance.

The process of rehabilitation should start as early as possible after an injury and form a continuum with other therapeutic interventions such as the use of pharmacological agents. It can also start before or immediately after surgery when an injury requires a surgical intervention. The rehabilitation of the injured athlete is managed by a multidisciplinary team with a physician functioning as the leader and coordinator of care. The team includes, but is not limited to, athletic trainers, physiotherapists, psychologists, and nutritionists.

The rehabilitation team works closely with the athlete and the coach to establish the rehabilitation goals, to discuss the progress resulting from the various interventions, and to establish the time frame for the return of the athletes to training and competition.


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