Advanced Theory and Practice in Sport Marketing

Advanced Theory and Practice in Sport Marketing_1

Advanced Theory and Practice in Sport Marketing

15,000 تومان

دریافت نمونه کتاب

نوع فایل: پی دی اف

470 صفحه

مشاهده سبد خرید


Advanced Theory and Practice in Sport Marketing publishes what goes on in the real world of sport marketing by having professionals in the field provide first-hand accounts of how they entered the field of sport marketing, information about what their current job entails, and advice to students who wish to enter the field of sport marketing.

The book reflects the authors’ extensive research and varied experiences in the field of sport marketing. Dr. Schwarz has worked in and with professional, amateur, and non-profit sport organizations, as well as from the business aspects of sport marketing specifically related to consulting work in sport facility and event management.

Part I of the book serves to provide an overview of sport marketing, including a basic review of those topics commonly covered in an introductory marketing course. The remainder of this text will provide the reader a framework understanding of sport marketing by connecting traditional marketing to sport marketing. Each chapter will cover a specific aspect of traditional marketing and applying it to the field of sport marketing.


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